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itu bukan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "itu bukan"
  • itu:    that; the; those; that’d; there; collective
  • bukan:    ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the;
  • itu bukan urusan saya:    that is not my affair
  • bukan yang ini atau itu:    neither fish nor flesh
  • bukan:    ain't; aren't; be neither; isn't; it is not the; neither; non; not; over the left; wasn't; weren't; no; non-; ne; na; nope; like a hole in the head; like a hole in one’s head
  • itu:    that; the; those; that’d; there; collective plural; those over there; that way; includes an element of definite anaphoric distal deictic; as for; that one; those there; them; distal; then; up there;
  • bukan bukan:    nonsensical
  • bukan-bukan:    dubious; lightheaded; fury; tommyrot; meaninglessness; silly; folderal; tarradiddle; wild; fatuousness; fantastic; absurd; nonsensicality; humbug; light-headed; baloney; hokum; furiousness; airheade
  • yang bukan bukan:    nertz; unmeaning; preposterous
  • yg bukan-bukan:    nonsense
  • itu itu saja:    selfsame; identical
  • (awalan) bukan:    il
  • [bukan/tidak]:    nauther; nother
  • adalah bukan:    it's not; was not; were not
  • bukan anggota:    nonmember
  • It wasn't the cleverness of the sheep at all.
    Semua itu bukan karena kepintaran si domba.
  • But that's not really the question I'm asking.
    Tapi itu bukan pertanyaan yang sesungguhnya saya ajukan.
  • But that wasn't what the media businesses wanted.
    Tapi itu bukan apa yang diinginkan bisnis media.
  • It's not because of your money... or your good looks.
    Itu bukan karena uangmu atau ketampananmu.
  • It's not that you don't find them fun.
    Itu bukan karena kamu tidak menganggap mereka menyenangkan.
  • And it's not our paper money, it's gold!
    Dan itu bukan uang kertas kita, itu emas!
  • That wasn't coffee - it was brown water!
    Itu bukan kopi - itu adalah air cokelat!
  • That ain't the way the government looks at it.
    Itu bukan cara pemerintah menangani hal ini.
  • We love them, but that's not the worst.
    Kami mencintai mereka, tapi itu bukan yang terburuk.
  • It wasn't love, it was violent and humiliating
    Itu bukan cinta , itu kekerasan dan memalukan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5